
Where Should I Keep My Will?

If you are wondering where you should keep your will, you’ve already accomplished the hard part. You’ve recognized the importance of creating a will, talked with your family regarding your wishes, met with a Tennessee estate planning attorney, drafted and executed your will. Having done all of that, there are only a few concerns that you may have regarding your will or other estate planning documents.

Now you want to know where you should keep your will and other important estate planning documents. It is an important question. After all, these binding legal documents outline your wishes in the event that you are no longer around. An estate planning document like a will is not effective until you pass away. These documents can often affect much more than where you want your things to go. If you have minor children, a will can list a potential guardian who will take care of your children in the event that something happens. In addition, a will can name the person who you would want to act as executor of your estate. For those reasons, it is important to keep your will and other estate planning documents in a safe and secure location.

When storing your will or other estate planning documents you should store them in any place that is free from any potential fire, smoke or water damage. In addition, you should store them in a location that would also be free from the possibility of theft. A fireproof safe would be a great place to store your estate planning documents. You should make sure that your loved ones know the combination or where you keep the key. A bank safe-deposit box can also be a great place to keep all of your estate planning documents.

While there are a number of locations that people may keep their will, some locations have potential drawbacks. Some people may think that it is safe to keep their will in a ziplock bag in their freezer. However, this is not the most secure location to keep all of your estate planning documents. Other people may choose to store their will with their attorney. However, you may not always have the same attorney. After all, attorneys may retire or move locations. In addition, an attorney’s office can also be similarly prone to potential fire or flooding.

No matter where you keep your essential estate planning documents, you should be sure to let your loved ones know where you are keeping these documents. Your loved ones will be the ones actually using your estate planning documents, so it is very important that they know where to find them.

If you have questions about your last will and testament or other estate planning documents, be sure to contact one of our Tennessee estate planning attorneys. At The Higgins Firm, our team of Tennessee estate planning lawyers would be happy to address any concerns that you may have regarding your estate planning needs.

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